Here is to being the heroes they are waiting for.

Our team is dedicated to taking in neonatal kittens and puppies (anywhere from a couple hours old to about 12 weeks) and providing the life saving care that they so desperately need. Thanks to a dedicated group of foster families, we take in neonates from the areas
of East Tennessee, North Georgia and Northern Alabama and place them in the home of an experienced neonatal foster family and provide them with all the supplies needed to raise these sweet babies. All our animals are fully vetted and then adopted out into
loving homes. Not only do we adopt out our sweet babies in the tri-state region, but we partner with a transport company that
gives people the ability to adopt from us in: Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Connecticut,
Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin!

Looking to adopt?

Want to get involved?

Needing help with an animal?

Help To Save A Life Today

We wouldn’t be able to do the work that we do without the support of our community. Your donations help us to provide life-saving medical care, shelter, food, supplies and love to those most vulnerable.

Meet our Founder

Our Partners

We are proud to partner with and collaborate with a number of other shelters, rescues, veterinary clinics, transport companies and more. The life saving work we do wouldn’t be possible without the teamwork of a multitude of people who love animals.


Be the first to learn about more of the life saving work we do, find out about upcoming adoption events and more.