Help to save a life today

As a non-profit, we rely solely on the donations of our community in order to fund the life-saving work that we do. The more donations we receive, the more we can help.

Make an impact today

Support our mission and be the heroes they are waiting for.

Doing some spring cleaning?

Here are a list of items you may have laying around your house that we will happily take as donations.

  • Blankets (nothing with any sort of filling)

  • Towels (full size only)

  • Flat sheets

  • Microfiber towels

  • Cleaning supplies (paper towels, disinfectant sprays, laundry detergent, etc.)

  • Metal or plastic dog crates

  • Cat carriers

  • Leashes, collars, harnesses

  • Unopened bags of dog or cat food, treats or bones